Thursday, June 5, 2008

the little fur family

It's been a while since I've written on this blog, mostly because our internet has been sketchy and our lives haven't been very interesting lately. We've mostly just been working, which is thrilling as always, and not really doing much else. We had a little barbecue on Saturday and some people came over and it was fun. Katie and Kelly and Zach and Megan and Jared and Nathan all came, and of course Eric and I were there. Since it was at our house. Hmm...what else...I did get to go up to the Salt Lake temple on Tuesday because I had a friend getting her endowments, and it was really neat to do a live session. I enjoyed it a lot.

Oh, how about a few pictures from le bbq since I don't have anything else to say:


taking care of business...

i seem to love pictures of people stuffing their faces

fly baby fly.


Shannon said...

lol. it scares me when jared and nathan do that. especially when there's a ceiling...
anyway, shlooks like fun!!

Jared and Megan said...

sleep, sleep, my little fur child; out of the windiness, out of the wild...

Janeite42 said...

The little fur daughter
and the little fur son-in-law
had a barbecue for fun
at their warm wooden house.
They invited their little fur family friends
and off they went to eat
in the wild yard where they lived.
It was a wild wild yard.
Wild hot dogs were there
and wild hamburgers too.
And wild soda tried not to spill
when the wild winds blew.
The hot dogs didn't have any fur
and they didn't have any feet
and they grilled on the grill.
And the little fur grandson
ate huge bites...Chomp!
Bless you, my little fur grandson,
every time you chomp!

Looks like you guys had fun, and I wish I could've been there.

Shannon said...

hahaha! mom you're so funny! :)
bless you my little fur mother and your furry wit.

Marlyse said...

Looks like you guys had fun! The weather looks nice there, is it really hot yet?

Jared and Megan said...

wow mom is funny... that's awesome.