Tuesday, November 18, 2008

and now for something a little more positive...


1. Actor-network theory (and I’m not even sociocultural emphasis!)
2. Airplanes and flying in them
3. American Association of Museums
4. Animals
5. Banana Republic
6. Barack Obama
7. Bedsocks
8. Being successful
9. Blatant creepiness
10. Britney Spears
11. Brown rice
12. Café Rio
13. Cartoons that involve talking animals (i.e. Madagascar, Ice Age, Over the Hedge, etc.)
14. Catch Phrase
15. Catch-22
16. CFL lightbulbs
17. Chapstick
18. Christmas
19. Citizens of Humanity jeans
20. Clean laundry
21. Cloudy days
22. CNN
23. Coats
24. Coldplay
25. Cooking
26. CSI
27. Cuddling
28. Daybreak in South Jordan
29. December 27
30. Digital cameras with memory cards that can store more than 40 pictures
31. Discovering something new
32. Dollar theater
33. Dressing up
34. Dyeing my hair
35. Edward Gorey
36. Eric
37. Expressing myself
38. Fall
39. Flowers
40. Google and all its components
41. Horseback riding
42. Hot chocolate
43. Ikea
44. imdb.com
45. Inside jokes
46. InStyle magazine
47. Interior design
48. iTunes and my iPod
49. Jewel tone clothing
50. Laughing
51. Learning
52. Leopard print
53. London
54. Long pants
55. LOST
56. Ludacris
57. Making connections
58. Making lists
59. Most Disney movies
60. Museums
61. My bed
62. My bike
63. My family
64. My friends
65. Mythology
66. NAGPRA (not any paperwork that goes along with it though…)
67. Naps
68. National Parks
69. Native American cultures
70. New ways of thinking about old ideas
71. Oak cabinets and furniture
72. Oregon
73. Pasta
74. people.com
75. Photo Albums
76. Photography
77. Pillows and blankets
78. Planning
79. Public transportation
80. Pumpkin pie
81. Rain
82. Raspberries
83. Sex and the City
84. Slot canyons
85. Snow Patrol
86. Swimming
87. Sydney and Paris
88. Temples
89. The beach
90. The blog “Get Rich Slowly”
91. The Devil Wears Prada
92. The gospel
93. Trashy reality TV
94. Traveling
95. Vacations
96. Warm comfy sweatpants
97. When I’m not the tallest person around
98. Wooden spoons, bowls, or cutting boards
99. Yoga
100. Zoos


LP said...

"when I'm not the tallest person around" haha! And I was surprised "dinosaurs" wasn't on your list.

Jared and Megan said...

edward gorey!!

Adrien said...

i know mom, i'm realizing now there A LOT of things i accidentally left off this list. maybe i will make an addendum later..."50 more things i love"

Tammy said...

That cracks me up that Actor Network Theory made your list...you are a so-co at heart=)