Thursday, October 2, 2008

i lied, i know.

But our internet was down last night so I couldn't post! I know, excuses, excuses.

I just got back from watching the VP debate with Lindsay and Kirsten while Eric played pool with Mark. Good times all around. We even played Palin bingo, which was a blast.

Anyway, I promised pictures from Disneyland, and so you're going to get ALLLL the pictures from Disneyland. Which means I'll have to put them on another website that you can go look at, since I'm not about to post them all on this blog. Mostly I'm posting them all so anyone who wants any of them can take what they want. I won't be surprised if I see a few them on tomorrow.

Notes: So it actually takes a really, really, REALLY long time to upload pictures on Picasa. I got about halfway through them and it's almost midnight. I promise I'll post the rest later. Here's the link for those of you who just can't wait:

Also, Eric and I took a drive on the Alpine Loop on Sunday since the trees are starting to turn all pretty and fall-colored. We may have been better off going this weekend as a lot of the trees hadn't changed yet, but it was still really nice to be out in nature. Bonus! It rained a little while we were out there so it smelled really nice and forest-y too. I love the smell of trees and fresh rain.

We are going up to Logan this weekend for the BYU/Utah State football game, so maybe that will be fun. I know Eric at least will have a blast. Plus it's his birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Eric!


Chris Jewell said...

Happy birthday, Eric! I hope to see you guys tonight up in Logan.

lindsay and mark said...

Happy Happy Birthday Eric Dear! Happy Days Will Come To You All Year! If I Had A Wish Then It Would Be...A Happy Happy Birthday To You From Me! (Primary song).

Also - let's do a drive in the mountains sometime. ...without egging anything.

Shannon said...

happy birthday eric!
and i wish i could be there for the colorful trees and rain-smelling!
p.s. adrien kyood hair cut!