Friday, January 2, 2009

happy new year

Hopefully I will be much better at updating this blog now that the holidays are officially over. Plenty happened over the last month or so. We went and saw Coldplay with Lindsay and Mark, I dyed my hair much darker, we had a Christmas party at our house (Chris-mas??), we spent a lot of time with family, we had a wonderful Christmas (and got to talk to Kelly in Italy...can't believe he's almost done!), and we went to Las Vegas for a couple of days for our anniversary. I just uploaded around 200 pictures from the camera onto the computer that we've taken over the last while, and there's no way I can put even half of them up here. Maybe I'll make a slideshow or something...

I don't know if this slideshow thing lets you copy pictures from it, so if anyone (family or anybody) wants any of these pictures for any reason (I know I'm always stealing pictures from people's blogs), just let me know.


Chris Jewell said...

Chris-mas indeed...

LP said...

Nice pix! Christmas is my favorite time of year (except summer). I hope you'll post more often, too.

Chad and Clair said...

So I just noticed that you wrote on Lindsey's facebook that you texted me...but I never got the text! Sorry. We never ended up going anyways, but we will have to go really soon. I'll give you my phone number again. Its
(801) 369-5947.

lindsay and mark said...

Chrissss mas!! WHAT!?

Ok, but why do we always dress the same?

lindsay and mark said...

PS. I want a slithering video.