Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a glimpse of oktoberfest and the ghoulie madness

mark, chris, and eric eating the fondue. i don't know why i don't have any pictures of lindsay and me there. weird. i also don't have any pictures from oktoberfest. i do have this video though...chris, don't kill me. at least it's not on facebook! (and yes, you'll have to watch it sideways. that's the way i took it on my camera.)

after oktoberfest we went searching for the ghoulie tree.

when we spotted the ghoulie tree, chris pulled over and turned off his lights. eric and mark made a mad dash for the tree and grabbed as many ghoulies as they could in a three-second period. mark even went back for one he dropped.

mark and eric were proud of the treasures they had just captured...

more wildness ensued.

lindsay and i found time to take a picture of ourselves where we only look mildly terrified of what was going on around us

fly, ghoulie, fly...

ghoulies love apple beer

eric depositing the ghoulie on a car at the end of the night.


Chris Jewell said...

At least it's not very long. And it's dark. I can probably pretend that isn't actually me.

lindsay and mark said...

I can die a happy woman.

These photos are wonderful. And the one of Chris is truly the greatest thing I have ever seen.

Ok. Not true. If Chris ever agreed to slither like the grinch then THAT would be the best thing to see.

lindsay and mark said...

And I like the concept of Eric "depositing" the ghoulie. KLASSY WITH A K!

Emily said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! The fondue looks really good... and I'm hungry now. Great idea. Apparently the guys know how to party. It looks like they have 6 beers in front of them.