Tuesday, March 24, 2009

this blog is long and contains a lot of pictures.

Ok, so I am going to try to undertake writing a blog that contains all the things that have happened in the last month and a half, with a lot of editing - because otherwise this entry would probably be a novel. No, actually, not that much has been going on, but there's been more than enough to write about. So here we go:

1. This last weekend, Eric and I went down to Arches/Goblin Valley with Eric's parents and had a really fun time. We hiked to Delicate Arch on Saturday morning (I'm surprised neither of us had ever done that before) and then I left to come back to Provo to see all the girls from Cafe Rio since Katherine was in town (why do we never get together unless she's here??). Eric stayed another night there and hiked with his family to Devil's Garden, which looks really pretty and like something I definitely want to do - maybe this summer? We took about 200 pictures down there, so here are a few. I'll probably make a Facebook album too in case you're dying to see more of them.

Goblin Valley:

Arches National Park:

Devil's Garden:

2. I got into grad school at BYU! I'll start taking classes again this fall, and if I get into the museum certificate program as well, I'll (ideally) be finished with the degree in about 3 years. I'm still not sure it's dawned on me that I'm going to be spending the next 3 years in school again, but what's another 3 when I've already spent the last 15 getting educated?

I've also had nothing to do since about January since I was never able to find a job and I graduated in December. But because I'm going to be a student again, I can get my job back at the museum! Yay! I'm excited. In "these rough economic times" it's been hard for pretty much everyone I know to find a job that isn't degree-specific.

3. St. Patrick's day, as everyone knows, was last week. Every year that I've been out in Utah, my siblings and I all get together to have corned beef and cabbage and listen to Irish music...and maybe try out our version of Irish dancing. Since Shannon is out here right now, we were able to have 5 people at our party instead of just 4. Yay! Megan and Shannon (I think) both posted on their blogs about the St. Patrick's day party, but I have a couple of things I'd like to add as well (sorry the video is sideways, I'm really not sure how to turn it):

4. A few weeks ago, during a basketball game, Lindsay and I "ghoulied" our friend Chris' car. We stayed up til about 1 in the morning making ghoulies to prank him (all while Eric and Mark sat on the couch playing Madden football and mentioning how stupid we were) and then strategically placed the ghoulies all over his car the next day. I'll let the pictures do the talking...fun times.

5. Shannon, Eric, and I have done some fun things together the last little bit. We went and played in the snow up near Sundance (flying bears??) and Eric trounced through the snow while Shannon and I tried not to fall in. A couple of weekends ago, we also went bowling at Miracle Bowl in Orem. Eric pretty much owned us, but we had a lot of fun.

And Shannon attempting to be fancy...

6. The last thing. I found a delicious recipe for spiced sweet roasted red pepper hummus and it is so delicious. It tastes almost exactly like the Athenos red pepper hummus that the sell for like $4 a grocery stores, and this is obviously way cheaper to make, plus you get twice as much. I'm hooked. I've already made it twice, which means a recipe must be pretty good...yum!

Before blending


Hopefully this will be a lesson to me that I better not wait a month and a half to write a blog ever again. And hopefully that wasn't too unbearably long...


Shannon said...

i want to go hiking. the hummus looks a little tasty. and i want all the pictures from sundance and bowling! please.

LP said...

I didn't think your entry was too long. And I love all the pictures. If making ghoulies = stupid, what does playing Madden football = ?

Emily Conkey said...

Hey Adrien! Your hummus recipe sounds fantastic! Can you send it to me?


It was fun reading about what you've been up to! Congrats on grad school acceptance! That is fabulous! Tell Eric hi for me!

Jared and Megan said...

you are our last hope!